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Why and Why not?

Pandemic here, pandemic there. It got to my nerve and I had a bitterness that could not be dimmed by anything.   Am I the only one in this?  Not one in a hundred and not ten in a million or a thousand; we're at that standstill as a world not even a nation. I get to use a phrase that I've never had a chance to use... What a time to be alive! But if there's something I've really appreciated from this period and I still appreciate through this; the chance to breathe,the ability to reason, the opportunity to try and correct what I wasn't able to do when I'd blame it on time. Even so, the little things that never mattered or were just taken for granted now are appreciated. It is at this time that deaths off corona sting to the core. Its not that death was better before. But it makes a little bit of sense if corona is in the picture, maybe. There was hope when there were good news of recovery of those who were Covid-19 positive but there came other news that made

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