The Expression

The inconsistency!?@! Yes come on all about it.

I thought it wouldn’t draw in too much and look this bad. I am not about to tell you about the stress, no. I am not going to say it’s God’s plan either, who am I to know much of that?

I just landed from that place people get and remember, “Oh, I used to blog and do something along those lines. “ I check and it’s been ages and now I am just left with a pinch of conviction that I can press those keys and come up with some lines and one or two paragraphs of what a normal weighing brain holds.

Through the ages, music has been released and some songs have landed in people’s wish lists and regular play, some have been played and replayed, some have just had people talking, criticizing and getting that entire opinion trail.

In my opinion box, I had a whole article.

I think it feels good to have a song played and replayed because it is just as good and as relatable as it can be.

I have listened to many songs and some just don’t get to have a second piece of my listening. I may judge too harshly or just have that taste that immediately distastes what is unworthy. 

Okay, not unworthy, may be;unpleasant. Insert that kind word please.

Yes, I know you are all about “but that is how the artist expresses himself or herself.”

This is how I express myself too and not many will like my writing let alone the simplistic expression because diction is not well fed. Some will even look at my presentation and unearth how jumbled up it is and not have an urge to look at more of these articles. 

Just saying.

Fair enough, just go for what feeds your appetite. That is what I do too.

What is not fair is, not supporting these musicians. Artists could be a better term but I am more into the music art. The writing and the rest let someone else come up with a response blog; I know y’all are capable of doing so.

Support comes in when your correction or call it rebuking is in the equation. Just let them know their deviation; whether they take your word keenly or not is out of your control.
So, you may wonder what this article is about, to this point you have seen nothing particular I am talking about.

Yes, that is how I express myself. Touché!

But,  seriously, it is just good when someone sees your mistakes and helps you rectify those and not just go about hating on all your first trials or the bursts of energy you may have drawn from an experience.

This was supposed to be applause for music that is well written, sung and well stringed and woven together to make such melody that blows minds away or gives them an escape from their dailies.
Who knows what this is, it is not what I thought it would be either.

Just threw in what could be typed in.

In music, I have discovered that it would be good or bad based on what I am going through, what I have heard about the artist, the presentation of the artist’s ideas, the artist’s looks and the voice. The list could go on and on and I am so convinced you have such a weigh scale too.

How can I not talk about the beats? 

I relate to a song’s beats before the words come into play. I don’t know if it is before the factors I mentioned before though.

A recent trending post already discovered that we who relate with the beats of a song use the right side of our brain. Is it true? 

Don’t wait for my research, you better do it yourself since that’s what the world is all about nowadays anyway(DIY).

There is something about a producer doing a really good work with making all beats fall into place and sort of moulding the artist fit in so well. That kind of well, that listeners are in awe of how such a puzzle could fit to their surprise.

There are artists who just express themselves so well that the producer has them studied up and ends up launching deep into the expression.

In this presentation I had so many songs in mind. One gets us to the expression thought.

Have a listen and enjoy. 

Keep listening and seeking out for good music. 

Feel free to comment and correct the grammar. 

Next time.


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