Lost in freedom.

Free WiFi.Free pizza.Free choma.Free rides.There's so much into free that we end up being engrossed in the 'free' word rather than the latter;as long as it is free I gotta go for it.Whilst we think of this as freedom many are the times we are actually slaves. Aren't you tuned into the thought of free is good? That's slavery.

I think with the little English I know that freedom is being under no obligation to fulfill anything or rather you do everything at will.

Oh yes!I already see you raising your brows up to critic what I just said.

Just a minute.

Did you plan for the free pizza that only comes you've bought the first with a price that covers both pizzas? Was it your intention to use the free WiFi in that fancy restaurant as you partake of the expensive coffee? This is just but to mention a few examples.What you did not plan for is not actually free,but you buying into the idea of the person who wants to deliver their service to you.

Any way too much thought into that and we'd actually weigh our lives on such grounds and find there is no place that we are actually completely free.

I believe by now you've thought into you what freedom is. For me freedom is being able to do anything with satisfaction. Yes,I'll enjoy the free WiFi,downloading loads of documents to aid my studies(if I am being too serious with my life, haha),I'll use the free pizza offer and share with friends and so forth.

As much as we may want to look too serious with this life it is okay to enjoy the free things.Did I change my thought on what I said before? No.I just gave more meaning into what freedom is.

This message would be incomplete if I finalized without mention of the freedom that is in Christ Jesus.Who in this world would live and die for you?

As if that is not enough set you free from the bondage of sin?...Christ the Son of God was the only one able to turn all tables around to give us the freedom we now proclaim.In Christ we are free-Its written so clearly in the Bible-He who the son(Jesus) sets free is free indeed.

I still can't have a full article without having you listen to a song from my playlist. Tedashii one of the world's best gospel hip-hop artist released a single titled "free'.In this song you'll find his definition of freedom and you'll probably come up with yours.Let's be free.Free of sin.Free of ...Absolutely free.


Unknown said…
Unknown said…
I love it...I am free indeed.....
Leute said…
Thank you,awesome
Unknown said…
Good article about our defination of free. True, Christ has set us free, then how do we then apply the freedom?
Unknown said…
Good article about our defination of free. True, Christ has set us free, then how do we then apply the freedom?
Leute said…
In Christ's freedom we are able to do all things under no obligation of the law-yes we obey the laws-with the right purpose and mind frame.I'll not kill in my freedom but I'll learn to love in my freedom in order not to kill.We are free to do everything but not to look back unto sin.For instance,this is if this example sheds much light-there's a post written "free salvation";which is actually the case for us in Christ.The free salvation does not mean we don't pay a price,we've got to live lives worthy of the sacrifice given for us by God(through the death of Jesus.So in applying freedom we'd live lives which satisfy us and at the same time are pleasing to God.
Yeeeeeeeiii. Your first article is so educative. I love it.
Leute said…
Thank you...😊

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