Why and Why not?

Pandemic here, pandemic there. It got to my nerve and I had a bitterness that could not be dimmed by anything.  

Am I the only one in this?  Not one in a hundred and not ten in a million or a thousand; we're at that standstill as a world not even a nation.

I get to use a phrase that I've never had a chance to use... What a time to be alive!

But if there's something I've really appreciated from this period and I still appreciate through this; the chance to breathe,the ability to reason, the opportunity to try and correct what I wasn't able to do when I'd blame it on time. Even so, the little things that never mattered or were just taken for granted now are appreciated.

It is at this time that deaths off corona sting to the core. Its not that death was better before. But it makes a little bit of sense if corona is in the picture, maybe.

There was hope when there were good news of recovery of those who were Covid-19 positive but there came other news that made it hard to see the light. There has been mention of gruesome floods, domestic violence, hunger, depression and the likes.

What remains then?

There remains the unchangeable, immovable, consistent and always true things. I call them things.I should call them facts; having a bright readership I know you will get along. There are things that remain and are sure through it all. Even when things take the worst nosedive, these things still remain and are true. 

An audience that might have watched series of sermons may already have a hint on what I'll be driving at. I cannot refute the fact that what I am going to mention might already be so clichè. I have resisted mentioning this over these past few minutes but I just can't hold this in anymore:- I have borrowed from sermons on my recent queue.

Fact number 1: There is still hope. It never dies. It makes a good image of what yet looks ugly. Hope speaks positivity in the midst of negativity. It has gentle demeanor. It is a soothing song in the face of calamity. It never dies. This is what we may be keeping up on and clinging to, as our beliefs are shaken and our faith is put to test. Hope is addition to what we believe. A surety of beauty, love, favour, a better place, a future and glamour.

Fact number 2: God is, was and will be our forever constant. Whether things go well or turn for the worst, he remains the same. He is ever present, merciful, forgiving, loving, all-knowing and all powerful. Those are just but a few of what He is known by.

It is better if our hope is coupled up with faith in God because we can have a better view of awaits us now and in the future.

There is another big fact that emanates from God. God himself can be referred to as that. It is the deep feeling of affection. You got that!Love.

God is  love. This is the constant that we have stored up in us to share out or we choose to keep and makes the dim not depart. Love conquers all. Yes,it conquers even a pandemic! It is what drives us. It is what most of us seek after. God demonstrated and still demonstrates it in our lives. Love  never fails. It doesn't keep at flaws but it rejoices seeing the good even in the bad. It is so patient,kind...Yes, have the 1 Corinthians 13 definition for it.

From this love thing we get our day's song Your love by Christafari. Love might be what gets us through the tough.

Keep hope alive. Believe in God. Love!


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