Hey you,meet my friend!

The look he gives me, there's just more to it nowadays. 

I've always seen it as the normal look a friend has towards another, but lately...I think there's just more to it. It was just the other day that I knew him. P.s -the  other day dates back to year 2006. Judge me not. I always censored what to say to him then.Our conversation would be filled with my pitiless grumbling.I always found fault in myself and others.Never would I care to give him a split second to talk.Wordy me, you must have labelled me so.Its okay, I think I was comfortable around him. Issues after issues,I just couldn't stop unwinding but still, all this was so superficial.A good friend I had, I still smile at each memory of this.

Its so amazing how we could even imagine all this and put ourselves in the same situation I just described. How we could just play about with romance and still stay put waiting for more of such narratives.I also enjoy such stories by the way,only that I anticipate for the "...happily ever after".Who doesn't enjoy the Cinderella tales and the Alladin twists into romance after all?Yes,how the stories just take a turn of love even after the heaps of mistakes in the beginning is just mind boggling. The sweetest of all stories is that which I've just had lately.

In the midst of 7 billion humans,one day I was just chosen.I was known.I don't know with what name but I know someone knew me.This person had pleasant thoughts of me.Even before he did know you.I could accompany this statement with a smiley to make you feel at loss but I choose not to.He also chose me out of all the beauties there are in this wide world,the thought of this almost drives me crazy. Didn't you see some other pretty girls out there?Didn't you see any other lady who was so organised and brighter inside out?A drift out of all this.

Am sure you'd hate to know that all time friend I've known. Or just the mention of the first letter of his name will just make you go " stop!!"I won't stop though,I've put both hands and feet of mine into this I must drown into it.You have no option, but please give an ear for a second. No, a minute.Two minutes.


Am sure at this point of civilization, you've read a lot about him.He is so famous,I don't mean to brag but that's the kinda friend I hang out with.He loves me with an everlasting kind of love.Who else would love me that way?He'll never leave me,am so sure.These are just a few words out of the multitude he whispers every second into my ear.You must have reached the peak of all your guesses.Yes,am talking about Jesus.This had to be my all time best friend.So sorry for those friends I had to leave out of this,we are still friends.If you're one of my friends,don't worry I might as well just give you a shout out .

Jesus has been the friend who has stayed true since '06.He always was true even before that but you know;good things take a while to discover.Out of my sin he picked me.He mended all the broken pieces and made me new.This is much more than remoulding. I'm a new creature,so new that you can almost find tags of newness on me.

As I said earlier,I never let this friend of mine talk.In my selfishness I'd pour out all my troubles and let him stick with all my troubles plus his.Thought was,his problems were no burden on me.He was just that juicer that I will squeeze all fruits into to get pleasant juice but never look after the well being of the juicer (servicing and all that entails to taking care).

It is just a few weeks ago that I realized I had been the one at fault in this mouth watering relationship of ours.Christ has been talking to me in his word.He has been telling me those sweet things but I just chose to ignore in pride.Oh,that pride that comes before a fall.Yes it has always been this kind of pride.His promises were and still are so sweet.He is also very wordy,I hate to admit this but his wordiness is for my good.Were it not for his second after second encouragements,I wouldn't be who I am.

Many are the times we've just put Jesus as that distant friend.I say this assuming am not the only one who has had to make Jesus a best friend.If you haven't,please make him one.We make him listen to our troubles when they have already travelled to the farthest of nations.Such that when it finally reaches him it already has lost its taste and has a tinge of rumours. I think when he is seated at the right hand side of God he sometimes laughs at our foolishness.How too fixated we are to our fellow friends than to him who has all solutions to our problems.We worry about not telling our girlfriends the problems we have but with him we just make it so exclusive. We silently tell him,"Christ I know I should tell you my problems,but just give me a minute-let me tell Sasha first then I'll come brief you".Truth be told,we are the ones at loss.

I won't keep sticking the knife to my throat for all this drift to my friend. I won't keep loading this truth pistol with more bullets to your shame either.We all are now thoughtful about this I hope. Reflect on how many times you've made Christ the last one in the line to know your endeavors while it should be the other way round. Just think about it.
And obviously before I drop my writing tools I have to leave you with a song in my playlist.A song that speaks of the friend of mine.Jesus my friend.It's a memory laced one but just have your headphones and listen to it.Jesus friend of sinners.No,not that one,at least not today's.The special song had to be I am a friend of God  by Israel Houghton.Listen to this and enjoy.

Finally,stay true to your friend.That girlfriend or boyfriend of yours.All your friends I mean.

You,creating time to read this I take it not for granted.You are that sweet special friend of mine.Thank you.


Wooow..my friend, who seems to be your friend too, picked me up and showed me the way. Oh what a true love this is. Any time I am low he raises me up.
Big upp!!!!!!
Leute said…
Wow...thank you.

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