Let not your hearts be troubled.

Its been a very long while. Thank you for your pardon.

I'll go straight on to the talk.😊

Over and through those months that I've ghosted the writing, I had been on a learning spree. Not just one lesson, I'd say lessons in all aspects of life; financial,spiritual, physical,emotional- name them!
At one point I had to battle depression. At another anxiety.And yet at another I had a struggle within on what next after this craze- call it anxiety but I feel it doesn't have a name- it just exists separately, that's a theory for another day.

In these months I had a good cry,the best I've ever had! One that a pillow wouldn't handle. Am I still lamenting? No,I'm not. I am so over and past the state that I'm almost unbwogable.

Friends prayed with me,talked to me and spent much on me including their priceless commodity, time. I slowly found strength and gathered all courage and faced life again. Day after day I had a reason to live. An hour after another I got to define what I had as a feeling that wasn't tangible.Many are the times I had no reason at all to keep going on with life,while I would give 1001 to have my life given up on.

Yes, this is that type of post. One that is reflectory. A memory lane kinda look and a pinch of salt added to it.πŸ˜‚

After all these cries,thoughts, anxieties and deepest and lowest of moments, guess what the result was? I know you know but let me just explain in bits; word by word and a thought after another if that will really be fit.

One morning I woke up and it was all gone! If I considered this to be the best way to explain what happened, I'd be a spinner of yarns.
Truth be told, my insecurities,fears and anxieties didn't find their way out of me in just a snap or a blink of an eye.

How long are we talking about again? Yes, I thought you should remember it has been almost a year before I came back and put my thoughts in writing. Not because I wouldn't open my blog and think of what to write but it is that,at my state, I wouldn't stand encouraging folks while I couldn't encourage myself.

The story changes though, I will not nark you to the core with the lows. Keep reading.

So, by and by I fought the battles got ill, a little bit, not as a result of any of the motions ( I blame these motions for weight loss thoughπŸ€”πŸ™„), but I kept moving forward. 

Battles of life are to be conquered, you're now grown up enough to know that. So, I'm now talking from a conqueror's perspective.

Before getting over all those conglomerate of feelings and downs, I read books and scripture. At one point of extreme sadness I identified with David the father of Solomon in the Bible.

His passages to God in the psalms rendered what I thought was my worst of conversations with God as a right call for any kind of help.

Devotionals and encouragements from friends here and there brought me up to my feet.

Do I say I'm completely off the hook of such coming back? I'm most definitely not! But I now know better. I hope it doesn't sound boastful to say I grew and probably outgrew some thoughts and feelings.

What I put down as lesson is that we all need shoulders to lean on but if the shoulders are not so present and physical we should know how to turn our broken, downcast and sorry selves back to God. God is omnipresent, you know, so, even when you have no companion at all to turn to just converse with the Omnipresent One!

In the lowest,your solution lies in people's hands.

This is the biggest lie we'll ever tell ourselves!

Well, these people may have part of the solution and I wouldn't say an entire solution or them being the solution but let's say they help us seek solution- we work together to resolve. God is the run- to- guy, the ultimate solution.

I am not yet convinced that my message has been passed but let me give it another shot.

In your lowest, look to Him and believe that He is ready and willing to help you in your time of need.The hardest of situations refine you, never give up on you even when everyone else does. You have potential. You're clothed with power and might. Nothing can stop you, at least not now!

With this,I wouldn't forget to add my song that maybe preaches better. It is by Hillsong, 'Good Grace' is its name.I'm tempted to empty out its lyrics but I'm mostly interested in letting you know that you are deeply,deeply loved! You wanna watch and listen? Here!

Thanks for having a read. Feel free, comment.


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