Saint or Sinner?

It is not every day that you wake up and feel all a saint. It is also not every day that you wake up and feel exactly a sinner. Whatever the meaning of these phrases; it better not describe you or me. They would rather describe some stranger out there. They should most probably bear the address, “to the unknown.” 

All the same we have to admit to belonging to either the sinner cohort or the saint fellowship. We may describe you as a good person who loves the Lord. You go to church every Sunday. Whenever you skip a Sunday service you feel undeserving of the rest of the week. You also have a listening ear to the poor in your neighbourhood. Though you’re not endowed with much but you still find a way to help somehow. You spread all the love you’ve got to all you interact with. Yes, you are the saint. Maybe this does not even fully describe the countless missions in God’s service that you’ve devoted yourself to. You’re probably the most amazing choir member in your church. The Sunday service is not interesting when you are absent-that’s what the congregation has always concluded. Feel free to add all of them right here, you deserve the credit, like right now.

The clubs are not new to me, in fact every hit that is played there is my favourite and am so familiar with it. The darkness is what I love. The party nights where we get to throw cans of liquor all over and swim in sheesha smoke make my life so interesting. The movies I am addicted to are the sensual ones; my description of these may drive you out of those senses of yours.
Who I want to be identified as during the day is a clear opposite of what I am at night. The lamb that stands before parents with face down in always-praised humility is the same that is famous for good services at those night stands that you’ve most definitely only heard on radio and read in newspapers but you’re not sure they exist. On Sundays I am sure a saint .My church fashion sense is on point! I adorn modestly to the 100% Bible description, even if it means having that pure white gown worn on wedding days, I mean, this is my ‘holy day’. I give it my all.

But wait. Seems I don’t know who is Saint and who is Sinner, even after watching Ty Scott’s Saints and Sinners series. Could be the sinner has much evil. The sinner doesn’t learn from his mistakes. Why am I digging mounds of diction to describe him? He is just a sinner! Not just a Sunday sinner but an everyday sinner. That’s what you and I are.

We try to cover up our sins with lots of religious drama and match it up with some wise well sketched words. I concur with Plato’s idea of life being a play. I n this case the play is so interesting. At some point I think the Supreme one up above looks below and sees this and giggles to Himself. He has offered us good promises, good things yet we run away from these and heed to the call of desires, peer influence, ill earned money and sexual sin. Yes it started long ago from Adam and Eve. We still have a chance to repent all the same. We repent and seek counsel of the one living within us that directs our steps.

I’m so disappointed that I had to end at this point where I’ve not even given you a clear directive. But I guess this was to serve as mind trigger into knowing who we really are(these are the little rumbles I have, seeking a heart soothing ending as St. Paul’s in his Epistles). Wouldn’t be bad if I asked you to listen to Indwelling sin by Lecrae. Wish you the best as you seek to be the Saint.


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