Meaningful Insomnia?

I should just sleep. Six hours are not yet over. I should be in the middle of a sweet dream because only nightmares keep one awake, like duh.

It’s Saturday anyway, I don’t have to wake up this early. I should have enough rest. I have not been sleeping much. I should revenge on the sleep as it punishes me on weekdays.

I try keeping my eyes closed and wish myself a second ton of goodnight. Or should I call it Round two of goodnight, lakini wapi!! (Sorry that’s a foreign tongue to my fellows who know this not, meaning “but where” and insinuating no success).

My lovely sweet glamoured and all beautiful things sleep has gone on holiday already? Or is it on the much awaited weekend mode?

The alarm buzz finds me awake and it’s so unlike usual.God must have woken me up! Do you think so?Bless your heart I also thought so. Yes, because He woke me up at the perfect time that has always been rumoured to be best for prayer in Christian analogies and dialogues.

Aha,that time!


Having thrown my bit of salvation down for a couple of months (please read the next sentiments before acting judge on me), I peeked at my phone not for the Bible app, not for morning motivation and not for a sermon. I headed down the social media lane.I don’t know which I landed on first but the last one sure had a mine.Not just any mine,a gold mine for that matter.

Have you ever been awake, then awake some more? is that what we term as being woke nowadays? Yes, I was double woke.

Pardon these short flickering thoughts and jokes into this.

So, I play on the Instagram videos with my focus on one particular person who I find funny yet with pure blessed vibes. I’ll mention her name later. Let’s just say I’m trying to play the suspense game on you πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰.

Yes she slays and this time she has a video of her singing along to that artist that is coming to Kenya on 7th June 2018πŸ‘Œ. I definitely had to sing along to my favourite tune. Its probably, a favourite because I could actually sing along or at least I didn’t bite my tongue and chew it while singing it. 

You must be a very close friend if you knew I can neither sing along so well, nor can I rap (and now you know) but I double or triple or billion love Christian Hip-hop. This favourite was, God is Enough by Lecrae featuring Flame. I sang along till the last slide of the song as she had uploaded and kept watching the rest trying to identify the songs in each slide.

On and on I went till I tiptoed into Whatsapp.

Here is where my treasure lied, you can just say “lieth” to sound philosophical and learned as I also want to but it wouldn’t make sense;a huge grammatical error it would be😒😒😒.

She had uploaded her video long before I watched and when she shared the link to the video,"I’ll watch it later" was my resolve.

Little did I know that these wee hours of the night had my program lined up.Will my suspense trickery work on you this time?

No,I guessed it wouldn't.

I give in.The beans are already spilled. Its Sue Mueni’s video on lifestyle, resolutions and real talk, let’s just say vlog, (we are youths meeehn!- I don’t think someone beyond youth would find a link to this read-but oh, well they still have youthful souls).

Here's the link to the video, you  should  watch it.

This video turned my whole morning around.

Don’t worry, it wasn’t upside down. Double ha. I mean ha-ha.

I thought I should share. Isn’t it blessed to share?

For the second time,check out the vlog here.

After watching that you can come and lets talk about it.Did it motivate or teach or rebuke you in some way?

Lets talk about it when you've done what you ought to do.

So now,the name of the instagramar-this word has no single hint of correctness in the dictionary, unless it’s the youth dictionary- I promised to mention is;Esther Kazungu. Esther also does vlogs which I am a fan of.

Not to mention,all hail from the after high school place I attended. Our uniπŸ‘‰(some type of lingua I use, referring to university),has such talent. Ooops , too much information. But I thought you should know and help us feel good for being there and maybe brag😁😁😁.

I would name this a chick-flick kinda blog, coz ladies are on the rise. But if you read this and you’re a guy it doesn’t harm an inch of your soul-not an inch!

Today the song is already up amidst the text.

Thanks for reading.Lots of love from your favourite blogger😜.


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